<blockquote class=”embedly-card” data-card-key=”c9d81a895f564a1fb52c3fea68f0bbc8″ data-card-type=”article-full”><h4><a href=”http://www.statesman.com/business/austin-housing-market-cools-bit-but-still-record-pace/3yQXIJlGoD9gYZZwPBPLuJ/”>Austin housing market cools a bit, but still on record pace</a></h4><p>The Austin area housing market is cooling a bit, some local real estate agents say. But the region is still on track to set another record for sales this year, the Austin Board of Realtors said Tuesday. Homes sales and prices were both up in Central Texas last month compared to the prior September, the Austin Board of Realtors said.</p></blockquote>
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- aria@ariarealtytx.com
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