<blockquote class=”embedly-card” data-card-key=”c9d81a895f564a1fb52c3fea68f0bbc8″ data-card-image=”https://cmgstatesmanpreps.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/ph_91801.jpg?w=640″ data-card-type=”article-full”><h4><a href=”http://preps.blog.statesman.com/2016/10/18/westlake-boys-preseason-no-1-in-texas/”>Westlake boys preseason No. 1 in Texas</a></h4><p>Most of the players who helped Westlake reach a Class 6A boys regional basketball final in February are back. And that means there’s some unfinished business for the 2016-17 Chaparrals. Westlake (30-4 last season) is ranked as the No. 1 Class 6A team in the state by the Texas Association of Basketball Coaches.</p></blockquote>
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